I Am Overseas, Can I Get A Police Check?
A National police check (NPC) or a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is a document containing the details of a person’s disclosable court outcomes and any pending charges. A police check is most commonly used for pre-employment screening to ensure that the individual does not pose any risk. However, they are also used for visas, citizenship and registry purposes.
If you are applying for a police check while overseas, here is everything you need to know about the process.
I Am Overseas, Can I Get a police check?
If you are living overseas, you can still acquire an Australian police check. The application process remains the same as if you were applying for a police check while currently living in Australia. As part of the requirements, you must provide your overseas address, as well as all previous addresses you have resided in over the last five years.
Can I Get a police check If I Intend To Live Overseas?
If you intend to move overseas, you can still acquire a police check. The requirements and process are the same as if you were applying for a police check while currently living in Australia.
I Am Overseas, How Do I Get a police check?
If you are living overseas, you can get an Australian police check by applying for a police check online and following the same application process as if you were still living in Australia.
Why Do I Need To Provide My Address History For the Last 5 Years?
Providing your address history helps to validate your information and verify your identity. It’s important that you list your full address history for the last 5 years correctly.
What If I Have Lived In Australia For Less Than 5 Years?
As part of the application process, you must provide your residential address history for the last 5 years. This includes your current address and any prior addresses overseas.
You will find a drop down box titled ‘Country’ where you can add international addresses when providing previous addresses, to ensure the relevant country is added.
How Do I Apply for a police check?
Applying for a police check is a relatively straightforward process. Anybody can apply for one, whatever the purpose.
Crime Check Australia’s application process is easy to follow. If you have all of the required documents and information needed, you could complete the process in as little as five minutes.
You will first need to provide basic information such as your name and contact information, and your reason for requesting a police check. You will then need to provide a payment method to pay the fees. Please note that fees can vary depending on the provider you go through.
You will then need to provide personal information. This includes your date and place of birth, your gender and residential address history. You will need to upload your identity documents as specified, including a selfie of yourself holding a form of ID which has your photo on it. This will confirm that you are who you say you are.
Lastly, you will need to give your consent to your information being shared with the National police checking Service for further checks. Once completed and a successful criminal background check has been carried out, you will receive your National police check in the form of a certificate.
How Do I Apply Online for a National police check?
The process for applying for a police check online is straightforward if you have all of the documentation to hand. You will first need to fill in the online form following the instructions carefully. You will then be asked to provide additional information and upload the required identity documents. There is a fee which must be paid in order to continue with your application. This can be paid using your credit or debit card. You’ll then need to give your consent and submit the form.
Here is a step by step guide of what will be required when you apply for a police check online:
- Provide your name, surname and contact details including phone number and email address
- Provide the reason as to why you need a police check, and the type of police check you require (voluntary or employment)
- Pay the fees using your credit or debit card
- Provide any additional information as required
- Upload photographs of your ID documents
- Upload a selfie of yourself holding one of your ID documents
- Provide your consent and submit the online form
How Much Does It Cost?
When applying for a police check with Crime Check Australia you will be charged a fee for your application. There are two different fees, one is for a voluntary check and the other an employment check. You will need to know which police check you require before making the payment.
- For a volunteer check the cost is $69 incl. GST
- For an employment check the cost is $99 incl. GST
What Details Must I Provide?
When applying for a police check, whether overseas or in Australia, you must provide details of your personal information. The details must be accurate to ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible. You will need to provide your contact number and email address so that you can be contacted if there is a problem with your application.
To acquire an Australian police check, you must submit the following:
- All legal names including any previous names
- Place and date of birth
- Gender information
- Residential address history for the last 5 years
What Documents Must I Provide?
To obtain a National police check, you will need to provide several documents. It’s a good idea to have these ready and with you before you begin your application. That way you won’t be interrupted by having to search for documents. It will also give you the chance to check all expiry dates and ensure that all documents are valid.
The requirements for a police check are set out by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) and there are 4 identity documents which every applicant must provide:
- One commencement document
- One primary document
- Two secondary documents
Commencement documents
- Australian Birth Certificate
- Australian passport
- Australian Visa (current at time of entry)
- ImmiCard issued by the Department of Home Affairs
- Certificate of Identity issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
- Document of Identity issued by DFAT
- Certificate of Evidence of Resident Status
- Australian Citizenship Certificate
Primary documents
- Australian Drivers Licence, learners permit or provisional licence
- Australian Marriage Certificate
- Passport issued by a country other than Australia with an entry stamp or visa
- Proof of Age of Photo Identity Card
- Shooters or Firearms Licence
- Student Identification Card
Secondary documents
- Certificate of Identity issued by DFAT
- Document of Identity issued by DFAT
- Convention Travel Document Secondary (United Nations) issued by DFAT
- Foreign Government Issued Documents
- Medicare Card
- Enrolment with the Australian Electoral Commission
- Security Guard or Crowd Control Photo Licence
- Evidence of Right to an Australian Government Benefit
- Consular Photo Identity Card issued by DFAT
- Photo Identity card issued by the Australian Defence Force
- Photo Identity card issued by the Australian Government or a state/territory government
- Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC)
- Maritime Security Identification Card(MSIC)
- Credit Reference Check
- Australian Tertiary Student Photo Identity Document
- Australian Secondary Student Photo Identity Document
- Certified Academic Transcript from an Australian university
- Trusted Referees Report
- Bank card, credit card or bank statement
- State/territory government rates assessment notice or Australian Taxation Office assessment notice
- Australian Utility Bill with your name and address
- Australian Private Health Insurance Card
- Australian Trade Association Card
What Is The Selfie?
When applying for a police check online, you will be asked to upload a selfie. The requirement for the selfie is to show yourself holding one form of photo ID. Your selfie will be cross checked with your photo in the identity document using an automated system. The system is able to confirm a match, and pick up on changes, if any, which have been made to the ID.
The selfie is an important part of the application process as it verifies your identity. If you were applying in person for your police check, the documents would simply be compared to your physical appearance. The automated system allows us to do this digitally.
The ID documents and selfie can be uploaded using the intuitive web interface, or uploaded straight from your smartphone.
What If I Don’t Have All Of The Documents?
The National police check is a legal process which must be applied for correctly. It’s a good idea to read all of the information before applying for your police check. If you are missing any documents, have expired documents or you don’t have all of the documents, you will need to obtain them before applying for your police check.
Obtaining documents will delay your application, but these are the official requirements as set out by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC).
What If My Documents Are In Different Names?
To obtain a police check, every applicant must provide 4 identity documents which are in their primary name. If you have had your name changed, whether for marital or legal purposes, you must provide the legal documents which confirm that the different names belong to you. This will verify your identity by proving that you are who you say you are, and prevent identity fraud.
What If My Documents Are Expired?
Expired documents will not be accepted for your National police check. All documents must be valid and in date at the time of submission.
Submitting an expired document will delay the process of your application, so make sure you check all expiry dates.
The only exception for an expired document is passports where the expiry date is less than 2 years ago.
How Will I Receive My police check if I Am Overseas?
If you apply online for your NPC, you can have your certificate emailed to you as soon as it is ready following police clearance. If the process goes well, you could receive it in as soon as 1 business day. Your National police check will arrive via email.
70% of checks are successful and returned within 1 business day, while 30% of checks face delays. Delays can take from 2 to 15 business days, and even longer in rare cases.
Can I Track The Progress Of My police check While Overseas?
You can check the progress of your National police check from anywhere in the world by visiting the check application status page on the Crime Check Australia website. You will need to provide your check ID and your email address. This will then show you the status of your application.
For further queries about the progress of your application, you can submit the online form or send an email to Crime Check Australia. For contact details, visit the contact us page.
For further information on police checks, visit the FAQ page.